Information support for the recovery of the Ukrainian economy in the context of the new European consensus on development
The war in Ukraine caused radical changes in society and determined the discourse on the political-economic modernization of the defense-industrial complex. Various security guarantee scenarios require the selection of investment options and economic recovery by the principles of the rule of law and transparency of the New European Consensus on Development.
Modern trends of sustainable development are the basis of the New European Consensus on Development, which require appropriate regulatory and legal acts, institutional and financial instruments. A unified approach to economic development processes and principles of circularity enables Ukraine to become part of the European defense and industrial strategy [1]. The war caused large-scale changes in the Ukrainian economy: the destruction of industrial and social infrastructure, the loss of a share of industrial potential, a decrease in business activity, an increase in unemployment and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.
In the conditions of military aggression, financial, economic and geopolitical crises arise, which requires a change in technological systems, systematization of the latest priorities of international cooperation and partnership, taking into account the trends of digital transformation of the world economy. Yu. Radionov notes the directions of reforms and socio-economic development of Ukraine in the period of post-war recovery [2, pp. 3–26]. G. Wozniak and H. Patytska investigate the budgetary determinants of ensuring the stability of territorial communities, taking into account the trends of military adaptation and the benchmarks of post-war recovery [3, pp. 81–96]. I. Pidorycheva defines the mobilization capabilities of the innovative community in the revival of Ukrainian territories affected by the war based on stability and sustainability [4, pp. 3–22]. The transformation of the Ukrainian financial sector will contribute to the recovery of economies in the conditions of geo-economic confrontation [5, pp. 222-231; 6, pp. 101-113].
The modification of matrix balance models makes it possible to use the balance method for calculating the state’s investment fund, which can be used to invest in economic recovery. The general scheme of the intersectoral balance, which reflects the main interrelationships of financial and investment flows, can be summarized in Table 1. The basis of the balance sheet is the totality of all subjects - owners of monetary funds (industries, population, financial system of the state, financial intermediaries). The lines of the balance sheet reflect the needs of economic entities, the columns – investments. Denote through і – index of needs of subjects ( ), j – attachment ( ). Then the value qij shows the amount of investment coming from j-го the owner to i-го subject. The investment flow matrix (qij) is similar to the first quadrant of the general scheme of the inter-industry balance. We will also introduce the following notations: Xi – the need of the і-th subject. In addition to non-cash transfers, the subjects’ funds are formed due to receipt of cash on their current accounts.
The excess of demand over investments (or, conversely, investments over demand) will be reflected in the change in the funds of entities, which consist of two parts: the change in the funds of business entities in current bank accounts and credit investments . The amount of the corresponding subject’s need is equal to the sum of all its investments and the change in cash reserves.

The application of the matrix model of investment flows makes it possible, with the help of the basic mathematical ratios of the balance sheet model, to identify quantitative relationships between the need and investments in fixed capital, the change in cash flows, and the correspondence between credit resources and credit investments.
In summary, we note that the UN Development Program and the Ministry of Reconstruction are scaling up reconstruction projects in different regions of Ukraine and developing technical support for reconstruction; intensifying the digitization of reconstruction, development and monitoring processes in the field of regional development; promote access of communities to international donor funding; strengthen the potential of local self-government in the implementation of infrastructure projects and increase the energy efficiency of social infrastructure. The recovery of the Ukrainian economy in the context of the New European
Consensus on Development gives us hope for strengthening the position of the democratic camp in the international space.
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